First peoples principles of learning

Interconnectedness What it is- Interconnectedness is a part of terminology of a view that sees oneness in all things. Believing all beings are connected in one way or another. It is also viewed as a significant relationship between animals in an ecosystem that helps to prevent overpopulation and it keeps the ecosystem survivable for all the species in it as a whole. First peoples principles- First peoples share a common belief that all humans are connected to each other and nature, the notion is that…

ADL Collaborate

1. Form and Function: What are its main parts and what do the parts do? How does it use or generate electricity? How do electrons move through it? The main parts of a lightning rod is a pointed metal rod about an inch in diameter that is connected to a piece of copper or aluminum which is connected to a conductive grid buried in the ground. A lightning rod doesn’t generally generate electricity but when the lightning passes through it, there is a lot of negative…