The Friday everything changed

  The Friday everything changed The boys are upset over the idea of the girls carrying the water bucket because its a societal norm, and a way to show that they are “dominant” they also get some benefits, including getting off of school for 30 minutes and being able to do something “real” The boys used bullying and exclusion to try to get the girls to give in, the girls were affected negatively, but they don’t give up their cause. They didn’t react that much…


Flaws of Love   Please continue to find my flaws charming Even a rose has thorns, Ivy Poisons. Love, my dear, all of it can be harming Life, in all, consists of nothing more than.   Some peoples wings are clipped, a flightless dove Grounded, though pushed forward by winds of life; But all in all my dear it is still love Disregard all the hate and all the strife.   But through the gist of it all it is more, More than life itself…