Rube Goldberg Project “Woof”

First, we drop a marble into the slanted shelves, dropping the marble into a cup attached to a lever. The lever releases another marble and triggers a bell at the same time. The marble released goes through a tunnel, and at the end it hits dominoes, which go through and hit the dog treat, knocking it onto the floor to feed the dog. The marble beginning is potential to kinetic, the moving marble falls into the cup which is an example of kinetic to potential,…


Short description- Our baby has light tan skin, cheek freckles and a round head. Her features were mainly small, including her nose and eyes. She has straight hair and bushy dark eyebrows. Her eyes are a very light blue. A. Because it is a 50/50 chance B. It does not represent real life because genes and traits are not decided over a flip of a coin C. Traits that are more shown in the media are generally more appealing to people. They are most likely…

Social Justice Poem

Poverty Our home is cold like the crisp December air The inside is occupied by nothingness And a mattress on the floor. We live on the corner of unable to make ends meet And trying to make enough to pay to eat. Living off of food stamps and government pay Barely making it day by day. Our bank account holds a trampoline amount We go out to eat, our cheques bounce. We are treated like the dirt on your doormat Swept under and forgotten Waiting…

Where I am from

Where I am from I am from torn ligaments and broken bones From sweaters and curly hair I am from the creaking floorboard, wooden, worn in and cold to the touch. I am from the green grass in our backyard I’m from gingerbread houses and jokes From siblings and parents I’m from the busy and the stubborn From “Suck it up sunshine” and “Be humble” I’m from no faith, but trying to understand I’m from Canada and Norway I am lefse and krumkake From the…

Human Condition

“The Gunner’s Dream” is a Pink Floyd song off of the 1983 album “The Final Cut”. This song shows the thoughts of a gunner in World War 2 “floating down, through the clouds” towards the battlefield. During his descent, the gunner dreams of his future after the war. He envisions himself not living through the war. His family members are walking away from a service in November, presumably a Remembrance Day Ceremony. His dream carries onto a peaceful world, one away from the useless death…

“Float your boat”

In this experiment we worked in groups of 4 to try to make a boat, that would float and hold the most number of pennies using aluminum foil, one piece of masking tape, 2 toothpicks and 2 marshmallows. We hypothesized that if we built out boat in an origami style, with a dip in the middle, it will float because it mocks a boat and it would hold pennies because the weight would be evenly distributed. We found that using our style boat we could only…