Foods 12: Food Waste Plan

In my life, I do try to minimize my food waste. At school I don’t tend to waste food as if I can’t finish all the food I have, my friends will eat it for me. I try to make sure I don’t take too much of anything; however, I am a picky eater and I can’t eat large portions, so I do find myself wasting food if I can’t get my family to eat the rest. I also tend to make new things at home when we have good leftover food that needs to be eaten, which may lead to more waste then necessary from the food I make and the leftovers. Though my family and I compost almost all food waste, which is better environmentally. My family also all uses reusable water bottles and containers to reduce plastic waste due to food. Therefore, I could improve by making sure I take portions I can finish and portions of food I’ll actually eat, also by eating food I already have rather than making new food, which increases waste. Also to minimize food waste in my home, we could try to use more of fruits and vegetables, such as zesting citruses, or re-growing fruits and vegetables, such as green onions, or pineapple. Finally, food at my house is sometimes thrown out because it’s expired, to prevent this we could try preserving fruits and vegetables with the canning methods learned in class, we could also more strongly enforce the first in first out method with perishable food items in our fridge. Conclusively, I do not believe I make a large amount of food waste, but I do believe it could be reduced further.

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