“Float your boat”

In this experiment we worked in groups of 4 to try to make a boat, that would float and hold the most number of pennies using aluminum foil, one piece of masking tape, 2 toothpicks and 2 marshmallows. We hypothesized that if we built out boat in an origami style, with a dip in the middle, it will float because it mocks a boat and it would hold pennies because the weight would be evenly distributed. We found that using our style boat we could only hold 12 pennies and it didn’t float well. Our hypothesis was refuted because our boat let water in, and did not hold the most amount of pennies. An error that could have affected our results was testing it with marshmallows on, but removing them for the actual testing. Next time we should try a new design, that is even and has more room to hold a larger volume.

Here Ms.Kim 

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