11.2 Thoughts on Data Analysis

I believe statistics are used widely in our society, they are the outcomes from political votes, medical treatments, and company surveys. The largest use would be in politics because statistics are used to give seats in government and to figure out who will have power.   After reading the article I learned that statistics can be incorrect at times, or can be biased. Some surveys could have biased questions leading the answers in one direction rather than the other.   Some of the problems with…

11.1 Factors Influencing Data Collection

{{unknown}}When I first read this article I thought a lot on my own current opinions and my exposure to alcohol and how this time period differed from our current one. To me alcohol is something you see widely in the media and isn’t seen as harmful, but in this time people thought of it as a sin   After learning about the influencing factors I think there was cultural influence effecting the votes, because of the stigma around alcohol and the idea that alcohol was…