
Flaws of Love


Please continue to find my flaws charming

Even a rose has thorns, Ivy Poisons.

Love, my dear, all of it can be harming

Life, in all, consists of nothing more than.


Some peoples wings are clipped, a flightless dove

Grounded, though pushed forward by winds of life;

But all in all my dear it is still love

Disregard all the hate and all the strife.


But through the gist of it all it is more,

More than life itself . Our love is a rose.

I hope, my darling, it will never bore

For it is myself, flaws and all, you chose.


So do thy worst, life, even with these flaws;

As our love is ours, even without cause.

3 thoughts on “Sonnet

  1. 1. Alexa
    2. Flaws of love
    3. The flaws of love
    4. That you love someone, even though they have many flaws
    5. Content
    6. Love, flaws
    7. Roses, the colour red
    8. “Even though a rose has thorns, ivy poisons.”
    9. Near the end, it resolved by talking about how they still love each other no matter what.

  2. 1. Alexa
    2. Flaws of Love
    3. The flaws of love
    4. The flaws that love has
    5. Made me feel sad and grounded
    6. Flaws
    7. I pictured two people breaking up
    8. “Rose had thorns” “ivy poisons”
    9. No
    10. “even roses have thorns ivy poisons”

  3. 1. Alexa
    2. Flaws and love
    3. The person you leave needs to accept your flaws and imperfections as well as your strengths
    4. When you love someone, you need to accept them for who they are because nobody’s perfect and neither is love, it isn’t out of a fairytale
    5. Sad because it talked a lot about flaws and I felt as though a couple or people in love were splitting up
    6. Thorns, Flaws, Poison
    7. I pictured a thorny rose in the beginning that you wouldn’t want to go near, but in the end you focus more on the flower itself and see how beautiful it is
    8. Harming, clipped, flightless/more, hope, darling
    9. Yes, at the end I feel like the person realizes that they need to chose someone, flaws and all
    10. For it is myself, flaws and all you chose. I like this line because it is hopefull and uplifting as if someone is finding a happy ending

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