First peoples principles of learning


What it is-

Interconnectedness is a part of terminology of a view that sees oneness in all things. Believing all beings are connected in one way or another. It is also viewed as a significant relationship between animals in an ecosystem that helps to prevent overpopulation and it keeps the ecosystem survivable for all the species in it as a whole.

First peoples principles-

First peoples share a common belief that all humans are connected to each other and nature, the notion is that we are all connected with everything in the world. This is expressed with the phrase “all my relations”. In this view it is the understanding that everything in the universe has a place and must be respected as so. From this perspective, people view their relations with others as well as they view the natural world.

Examples from course-

In the course on ecology we are doing interconnectedness is present very actively in the ecosystems. If one aspect of the food web were to die off it would cause a chain reaction because depending at what trophic level it is it is more than likely that the levels above would dwindle in numbers or they would have to find a new food source, likely impacting another ecosystem. It would also cause the trophic level below it to overpopulate with less predators which would also affect more animals. This proves that they’re all connected in the way that if one were to disappear all others would be affected



What it is-

A consequence is the result of an action. In an ecological standpoint a consequence is climate change and greenhouse gases. It can also be rapid extinctions and loss of habitats and ecosystems.

First peoples principles-

This principle is that each person must take full responsibility for their actions knowing they have consequences for themselves and for others. It also states you should be aware how your actions will affect family, community and the lands around them. This principle highlights the need for authentic learning opportunities and for one to learn to recognize the consequences of their actions.

Examples from course-

In this course we learn all about the ecosystems and how recklessness has ruined some and pushed many animals to extinction. This principle is something important to the course because overhunting one animal can be impactful to the planet and overusing resources will create more pollution and ruin more habitats. We know consequences for a lot of the things we do. So learning this principle is important for our generation so we can change the way the world runs.

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