My Digital Footprint

Image result for digital footprintWhen I googled myself I found a lot of people with the same name as me but none of my accounts, I only found my accounts when I searched them by username even then it wasn’t super straight forward, I found a lot of things on my last name though. After googling my name I found many Facebook pages not belonging to me, a girl named Alexa Kinnaird singing and a newsletter about my family and my name was brought up.

Question 1-
Your digital footprint can affect future opportunities in this day and age because we are very technology centred. It can affect you when you’re trying to get job or when you’re applying to a university or college. If you post something you’re not proud of and a future employer or school sees it you can be denied the job or the spot in the school. On the internet nothing is ever truly deleted, and it all carries back into your life at some point or another. Using social media all the time means putting your life on the internet but that doesn’t mean you have to share everything

Question 2-
Some strategies to keep your footprint clean is to; think about what you post, be considerate even if you think know one is watching, think about how it all cant affect your future and that everything can be traced back to you. As some people say, don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your mom or your grandma to see.

Question 3-
Some things I learned from looking at the effects of your digital mark is that, your footprint can be tracked, nothing is completely deleted. Overall I think that it is important that you are aware on who can see your profiles and accounts. We can teach other students using projects like these and by reminding that what they post could ruin a good image. But at the end of the day people post whatever they want and sometimes no matter how much we remind them that it can affect them, it may not change their opinion and sometimes you have no say in it.

2 thoughts on “My Digital Footprint

  1. I really enjoyed reading through your ‘Digital Footprint’ It was very informative. It made me realize how careful I have to be about what I post!

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