1 Minute film by Alan, Damon, Jason, and TJ

I was the director in the making of this film. I used my own camera and conducted as well as thought of most of the shots telling the actors what to do and deciding what angles to film from and what kind of shots to use for each scene. Although everyone did collaborate to come with ideas for shots, I was in charge and made most of the shots myself. It was really fun to try and get creative with how to make a scene the most meaningful which meant I had to do a lot of retakes and experimenting to get the scene really nice and seem interesting. I didn’t want a single scene where you didn’t know what was happening or it was just boring, nothing to look at, an eye sore. We had a big room to film this in which allowed me to make some birds eye shots but that didn’t mean I didn’t use an ant’s eyes shots either. My favorite thing I did in this film was using the light coming into the room from outside to my advantage. I made the final scene have both characters as a silhouette even though they were in the same position in another shot where they were well lit up. It was supposed to emphasize that it was the darkest scene, but literally too.

Along with being a director I also pitched in for the sinister music that made it into the video which I’m a huge fan of.

This was probably my favorite project from any English class, I really enjoyed it.

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