Alan’s waste plan

There is a lot of food waste in my life, (actually I bet there is in all our lives) the first thing that comes to mind is that when my parents buy apple’s I usually waste a lot of the apples I eat or I simply don’t eat them at all when I take them to school and end up throwing it out when it starts rotting. I know there are also a lot my family should be guilty for like wasting food themselves in the house and at resteraunts by not finishing their meals and throwing them out instead of saving them. I know my family and I need to work on that. I know that it’s bad to waste food because of how bad it is for the planet. All the effort and energy put into making the food I eat contributes to global warming (use of machines) and it is a huge waste of money. I could work on finishing the food I eat and not throwing it out early, encouraging my family to do the same or at least keep left overs, and also composting more as I usually just throw my food straight into the garbage. The plan I came up with was to manage the space in my fridge more and recognise what we already have to eat so I can prevent asking to get food when we already have enough, this way I’m sure to waste less food compared to me always having too much food that I end up throwing out.

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