Riverside citizen of the year


Hello, my name is Alan and I have been nominated to become Riverside Secondary’s Citizen of the Year. I believe I am the perfect role model for this school given my unique qualities: firstly, I am friendly and kind and will always lend an ear to a friend in need. I am honest, loyal, and my integrity is unmatched, I always stay true to my word and I can’t even think of the thought of breaking a promise. I am rarely ever not calm and can defuse any heated situation, when I’m not calm, it doesn’t take long for me to cool down. My family, my peers, and the school have recognized my exceeding responsibility that I maintain at this school, I recognize my priorities and I try my absolute hardest not to procrastinate. And lastly I am determined, any task that I take on will be conquered, including the task of becoming citizen of the year. Thank you.

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