Racism then and now

American civil war

  • It began 1861
  • Ended 1865
  • The 2 opposing sides were the union of the north and the confederacy of the south
  • The union soldiers were called yankees
  • Confederates were the rebels
  • White senators supported slavery because it was highly profitable
  • Their economy would collapse without the slaves
  • Abraham lincoln banished slavery in the US
  • White north won the civil war
  • It was impossible to secede from the union at any price
  • States rights were changed forever
  • Lincoln emmansipaton proclamation became effective in all states
  • Lincoln was
  • At first the confedercy rejected the use of black soldiers
  • After they saw how succesful the north was
  • Southern was considering doing the same
  • In the spring of 1865 confederate congress approved the use of black soldiers

Jim prolaws

  • Institution of laws
  • Came out in 1880s
  • Not allowed to entermerry
  • Not allowed to play baseball against other races
  • Black people are not allowed to be served in white house
  • Not allowed to be served in the same room in a resteraunt
  • Not allowed to go to same school
  • Jim prolaws existed before the civil war when slavery was still a thing
  • Some consequences was they had educational and social policies that discriminate against blacks
  • Many kids are forced to learn about these laws and how it had an effect on african americans

Black panthers

  • Black panther party was a nationalist and socialist organization the fought for black rights
  • It was founded in october 1966 in oakland california by huey p newton
  • There aim was to protect blacks against police brutality
  • They would do this by following police cars so they could be witness to any brutality or racism
  • They would carry guns for defense but quoted laws that would defend them from the police taking any action
  • They also wrote a 10 point program to prevent police brutality
  • Many people joined but it was mainly black americans
  • It impacted the black community by giving them hope and more safety from discrimination
  • Made the whites aware that they couldn’t do anything they wanted and that they were watching

Malcom X

  • Malcolm X (1925-1965) was one of the most influential African American leaders of the 1950’s and 1960’s. He transformed himself from a petty criminal into an important defender of the rights of blacks.
  • In 1931, Malcolm’s father was found dead after being run over by a streetcar. Malcolm believed white racists were responsible for his father’s death. When Malcolm was 12 years old, his mother was committed to a mental hospital. Malcolm spent the rest of his childhood in foster homes. He also became discouraged by racial prejudice around him.
  • Malcolm X described the difference between the “Black revolution” and the “Negro revolution”, he contrasted the “house Negro” and the “field Negro” during slavery and in the modern age, and he criticized the 1963 March on Washington. “Message to the Grass Roots” was ranked 91st in the top 100 American speeches of the 20th century by 137 leading scholars of American public address.

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