Alan Voit
- Target Audience: Who do I want to reach with my message?
- Message: What is my message?
Technology is great
- Message: What do I want the viewer to understand?
Technology’s pros outweigh technology’s cons
- Action Step: What is the call to action?
Go along with technology, don’t go against it
- Action Step: What do I want the viewer to do?
Contribute to society and let humanity evolve
- Action Step: How can the viewer help solve the problem?
Don’t abandon technology
- Significance of Issue to the Public: Why is this issue important to the public?
So the public doesn’t die due to lack of technology helping them in their every day lives
Technology is something that is incredibly useful in everyday life. It’s what shaped our society and world to be like today. A world with the technology to make life not a game of survival but a game of evolution. How far can humanity go? The technology we have today is capable of saving lives and preventing deaths. Some people could say that some technology is very good at killing others but moving on from the world wars we have, it is only getting better and better at preventing future deaths. One way technology helps prevent deaths is through communication. It could go as far as stopping national security threats or making peace with a neighboring country to being able to contact 911 in time to save someone. Communicating with people across the world and even just from house to house is more accessible, affordable, efficient, and easier than ever before in the past. People can get jobs from across the world and find love too. There are so many art forms that could have only been possible with technology, art itself could not be made by man without the use of technology stretching from a piece of charcoal to a graphics tablet. The reason technology is always expensive is because it creates profits. Freelancers and independent workers can now use new technologies instead of rely on a traditional employer for work. The world is also able to be more efficient with our resources and even have an economy by having trade with other countries. Researching the world is also more simpler, where before the 1980s we couldn’t use google and we would have to spend a lot of time to find the answers we wanted which could have been very wrong at the time but now we have google and professionals online that can make research incredibly easy. Technology saves a lot of time for people, all this time lost without technology is time lost doing something else that technology could have let you do. Without technology, so much more people would die due to little or no way to help them if they are injured or sick. Without technology your entire world would only be what’s around you, venturing outside of your home would be an adventure every time that you wouldn’t know if you could come back from. Technology pushes humanity so far in our evolution that it would be nothing more than ignorant to abandon it now. The best way to help accelerate and push humanities evolution with technology is to contribute to it, and every human can including YOU.