Iron Chef assignment reflection

Iron Chef over all was very entertaining and fun, I thought it was really cool that we were even allowed to do this as a project. It was very intense and sometimes frustrating too but for the most part I enjoyed it. Working with my group, although busy and hard, ended up working well. We did improvise a stupid amount which is something I definitely would change if I were to do this again (like doing much more planning or being very clear and solid on what we are making.) The recipe we chose was supposed to turn out really good and tasty and appealing buuut we improvised so much that it kind of turned out not really good… but it was tasty. Our recipe was very, very simple so we all panicked that it wouldn’t score any points in the aesthetic part of judging, not like it wasn’t appealing but it was just boring and something you could have for breakfast any day. The time restraint and ingredient restrain was the biggest factor ever, we had to switch out ingredients and we had to MAKE OUR OWN ICECREAM, I’m so glad my group members were able to pull that off (I was cooking the pancakes.) The judges commented that my pancakes were kind of dense and although I liked that part of the food I guess I would attempt to make a neater and fluffier pancake if I were to do it again. It was actually really tasty thinking back on it so I wouldn’t change the recipe, maybe just the way we present our food, being more creative and adding something else too it maybe. It was really cool to do it.

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