The questions are BOLDED on the mindmap
Before I start I know that we do not have a finished innovation. But that does not mean that our group did not do any work.
Our experience was a bumpy ride to say the least. We overthought our first idea but the problem was that we took so long working on it. We originally wanted to 3D print our shell for the flashlight, but after doing a lot of research about how we could find one or how to use them we decided to change our approach. We wanted to buy materials to make the flashlight. But we did not want to spend any money on this and it was too late to ask Mr. Robinson for materials. So we decided to use a few recycled flashlights and we put together a flashlight that is battery powered. This is the area that we did not complete. We could not attach a crank on the bottom of our flashlight. We did not know how to hook the crank up in a way that would produce electricity and deliver it to the battery. If we did not take part in the hunt of materials we would probably have a finished working innovation.
What we learned,
I think that I have learned a lot of things in the CBL unit. Like to not waist your time on 3D printers or to not overthink things. But seriously I like I have learned a lot. I learned that Uganda has light poverty, how they are trying to redevelop the city, that they eat KFC (sorry I had to include that). I also there was more I learned about Uganda but I think I covered the important things. There are also somethings I noticed near the end of the project like how we were talking to the higher class in Uganda. I couldn’t help thinking what would the lower class life be like. So I did some research and I found some good news. That the poverty line has declined to 19%.
I think this project went well even if we did not finish our innovation. We did do a lot of work even if it did not show.
After testing our three fruits we found that the potato was the most powerful with a charge of 0,5 volts, while the orange and apple both had a charge of 0,3. We did some other things to like switching the wire and seeing if that would make a change in the charge. I think the reason the potato got more charge than the other fruits is because of the starch content. While the orange and apple have different acids the potato has starch and the starch would probably hold a lot more energy than the orange and the apple.
This is a photo of the voltmeter we used to measure the charge of the potato, the apple and the orange.
Thanks for reading.
Hypothesis I think that the apple will produce the most energy because it has more sugar in it than all of the fruits
This week our group researched the following questions: What is climate change, How does climate change happen, Why does climate change happen, How does climate change effect our environment.
The video chat with Uganda went very well. We talked to Catherine Nakabugo and her class. We talked about their daily life at first like what they have for dinner and it turns out they aren’t very different they eat KFC from time to time. Anyways that’s not important once we did get in to the important thing Catherine did all of the talking. We were asking how they got their water and it turns out it gets pumped in to the city. Then we asked about the situation on light. And its not as good as the water is they said that a lot of kids in the rule areas could not study for school because they could not see at night. That was basically all we talked about. I thought that the way way they got water into the city was very interesting because in my mind Uganda was a rule area with little to no water but my mindset was changed after what they told us about the state of the country. They even have a KFC! It felt really weird to have my mindset changed in a matter of minutes because when i went into science class I pictured Uganda’s living quality in a really bad state but from what I could see apart from light poverty its the complete opposite of what I first pictured.
There are a lot of problems that need to be addressed though I would like to focus on light poverty. I heard that last year Mr Robinson’s class addressed light poverty but the way they addressed it could be improved (Mr Robinson if you are reading don’t take offence). I have seen a very interesting flashlight that would help greatly. While Mr Robinson’s table light works very well for studying I would think that its impractical to take around with you. This flashlight concept I was thinking about does not need any power to use. If you did not know motion creates electricity so if I had a “wind up stick” on the side of the flashlight connected to something that could store power we could have a flashlight that works on nothing but turning the nob really fast. The way it would work is someone spins the knob for 5 minutes. That would result in an unspecified amount of power stored in a device that could hold it. Or we could keep the spinning nob but send the power into a converter and when you press the button on the top it would be uninterrupted power for how ever long you spun the knob.
It sounds simple but I have no idea how much or where we could even find a converter that fits in a flashlight. I suppose I could find something online to help me. I would need help from people who are more skilled than me at building electronics. I would need a lot more materials than just a converter I would definitely need a 3D printer even if I have never used one but if i did not build a shell what would hold the light or the knob. And if i were to go on my other route to store energy I would need a bigger base for the flashlight and a device to store the energy for usage, when you press the button on top of the flashlight the power that you have stored will light the LED up and create temporary light for the amount of time you spun the knob.
The reason I am making a flashlight is because I have heard about the light poverty in Uganda and I didn’t think that the lamps Mr Robinson’s class sent were as effective as my flash light will be. I think I did a good job planing and writing about the flashlight I’m making. I did do some research and there are some flashlights with the same concept as mine but they were very expensive.
I couldn’t attend the Skype call because I had an extra block that started in the morning but I did see the result of it. I think it went well even if wasn’t there. Thank you for reading and thank you for mentioning KFC.
One day Tyrone walked into the science class room and he was exited to start the lab experiment with his wonderful teacher Mister Robinson. The experiment was quite easy make something a household item from scratch. It could be made of anything. It could even have WHMIS hazards. Tyrone used safety glasses because Mister Robinson would kick him out of the class if he didn’t. To make his household product he needed to get a hotplate, glass beaker, beaker tongs, florence flask, and rubber stoppers. He started by getting all the supplies he needed to make his item. He turned on the hotplate and put the glass beaker full of mixture on it. after it cooks for awhile he takes it off using the beaker tongs. Once it has cooled Tyrone poors the mixture that is now liquid into a florence flask for overnight storage. When he gets back to the lab the next day Tyrone poors the liquid that is supposed to be an air freshener into a test tube using a funnel he was trying to make it more of a mist so he heated it up in the small test tube and noticed that the steam smelled had the sent he was looking for so he put another 2 test tubes on the heat. He noticed that the 2 other tubes were reacting differently so he took them off the heat and opened them. That when they exploded and got into his friend Jeremiahs eyes. Jeremiah said before class that he was too good for safety measures and it is very rare to have a safety emergency in the lab. Tyrone took Jeremiah to the eye wash station and washed out Jeremiahs eyes. The explosion could have also affected another person in the class named Aiden but he wore safety glasses and protected himself for the explosion. Tyrone went on to complete his creation. He ended up using his creation to mix with the wax in candles. The mixture he made after the explosion was not flammable so if an explosion were to happen it would prevent a fire. There for it was completely safe but it still had the WHIMIS symbol of explosion. If Mister Robinson didn’t make the class do all the safety work more people could have gotten hurt that is why you should always follow safety procedures. This is the map and legend of the map it may be unclear.