Commentaire d’instagramn (Slay ou Nay)

  1. Les paysans:  Marie Antoinette pense que nous sommes interessente? est-ce qu’elle va nous aider? J’espaire que la vie va changer pour les paysans ici dans la France
  2. Les Nobles:  Elle a une vie tres extravagante.  Le seul chose nous veul est plus d’argent.
  3. Les bougois:  Marie Antoinette n’etait pas né en France pourquoi est-ce que elle est rienne?
  4. Huguenot  Je pense qu’elle est une idiot elle va etre horrible.  Je veut changer la renne de France

Le roi corrompu (Les paysans)

Louis XIV est le roi la plus corrompu que j’ai jaimais vu.  Tous les paysans doit travailler si dur pour payé les impots ridicule.

Il a construite un chateau enorme pour tous les nobles.  Mais pas pour nous.  La qualiter de vie ici est horrible.  Il pourrait donner un peut de sont argent pour nous aider.  Mais non.  Il ne veut aider les personnes qui ont besoin de l’aide.

Community Connections

As we all know this project was to get our first glance into different jobs.  I found this very interesting.  I interviewed Ray Marsh a retired teacher.  I thought it would be interesting to find out how teaching has changed over the years.  In the interview he talks a lot about that.  I learned a lot of things about teaching in the past.  There was a lot more freedom the teacher could take them on field trips anytime they wanted.  I feel it is important to demonstrate how teaching has changed for the better.  There are a lot more tools for students today to help the with education or career paths in the future.  I hope you enjoy the interview. it is 10 minutes.


1 Why are you passionate about your job?

2. What obstacles have you faced to get to where you are?

3. What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

4. Would you be open to further contact from riverside students? If so how could we contact you

5. How do you think teaching has changed over the years?  Do you think it has improved

I could not ask a 6th question because we ran out of time.

(The audio of the interview is a little quiet of you are using headphones).