Category: Grade 10
Indigenous Podcast – Unrecognizable – Aiden Naresh
SH 10 – Letters Live
Avoiding stereotypes in advertising
In today’s society there are less stereotypical assumptions or racist ideas when compared to the 1950s for example. However that does not mean that companies don’t run the risk of offending a group of people. Judging by some of the examples that were shown. Some companies need to make it a priority to research and make sure that they are airing completely harmless ads. Like Nike for example, if they had done their research they would have figured out that the flag they used in their shoes was directly linked with the nazi party of america and that it also was from a time period where slavery was accepted. There are many simple solutions to these problem that do not require that much heavy lifting. One example of this could be to hire people to do spot checks on ad or product before it is released. It is incredible how many things could change if somebody actually put the time into cutting things that could be offensive. Example two would be to try and get feedback from other people. Similar to the last example but this time the company would not even need to hire anybody, They would just simply ask somebody that did not work on the ad to watch it. Example three is to recommend more research. I used the Nike shoe as an example earlier because it was clear that they did not do their research. Looking back on a countries roots can have it benefits however, there are also some things to stay away from.
Society can also play a role in curbing stereotypes by using their voices. If a group of people speaks against an ad because it is offensive the company will take note. PR is a very important tool for all companies that are looking to become successful. An example would be burger king, they aired a racist ad involving their new Vietnamese burger. The customers were forced to eat it with chopsticks for a cheap joke. Predictably people reacted negatively to these visuals. As a result of this burger king was forced to take it down.
Those are some suggestions that could help get rid of stereotyping in ads.
Here is an image of the ad from burger king
Advertising Target Markets
Company – EXTRA
Product – EXTRA Gum
Target Audience – Adults
After watching the ad I believe that it is targeted towards adults. I came to this decision because of the theme. It is about growing up and sharing memories over time using a bonding tool. While a lot of older people most likely parents can relate to having irreplaceable memories with their children. Most younger people have not experienced anything like that before.
Black Mirror Episode – Cropped out – Aiden, Keegan, ALe
Story Board
Scene 1of 7
Description: Harriot explains to Jerome that the police will catch him soon.
Audio: N/A
Dialogue: OPEN THE DOOR!
Jesus man it’s 7:30 in the morning!
You’re in danger!
Why is TIU after me again? Just because I am making more money than them.
Yes! They are doubling their efforts on tracking people like you down.
I really don’t care man! You should know me better!
I just wanted to warn you man. If you want to kill yourself by posting more of these fake photos go right ahead.
Scene 2 of 7
Description: The police are talking
about catching people who post edited photos
Audio: Ambient noise
Dialogue: Alright people it’s time to crack down on all of your suspects. Find any proof necessary to keep your investigation afloat.
Boss! I still can’t find anything on Jerome.
Okay keep looking we’ll catch this idiot eventually.
Effects: Futuristic background (office) (computers)
Scene 3 of 7
Description: Jerome becomes extremely nervous and worries about being caught because of his photos.
Audio: Ambient Noise
Dialogue: I wonder why Harriot would say that. It’s not like I’m hurting anybody. I am just trying to entertain the world.
Effects: Dust falling down
Scene 4 of 7
Description: Harriot is mad at Jerome for continuing to post the photos so takes a picture of Jerome to expose him.
Audio: Intense music (secret spy music)
Dialogue: I wonder how Jerome will react when I post this to the internet?!
Gooooooood… I want you to prove that it is real. So we can crack down, find him, then put him to the ground.
Effects: N/A
Scene 5 of 7
Description: After Harriot sends the photo to the police, the police show up at Jerome’s house.
Audio: Intense music
Dialogue: Oh my god! Why…wha…. I’m calling Harriot
Jerome! Come out and we might spare you!
I want my lawyer!
You don’t have a lawyer Jerome
HARRIOT!!!! Tell them that I am real! I don’t fake my posts!!
Why would I lie?
Okay Jerome open the door!
Effects: N/A
Scene 6 of 7
Description: Jerome gets chased out of his house and into the forest.
Audio: Horror music, forest sounds
Dialogue: Ahhh!!!
Effects: Blinking eye effect, go pro switching from Jerome to police chasing him (First person POV)
Scene 7 of 7
Description: Harriot finally manages to catch up to Jerome and ends him off dramatically.
Audio: Sad/intense music, black screen with gun shot, horror music
Dialogue: Hello Jerome
Why did you run?
Because you’re going to kill me!!!!
We are now! *Boom!*
Short Story to Game Design Document – The Sound of Thunder
This GDD was really difficult to make. It required a lot of thinking because when making a video game it is important that the developer builds more depth in a world. When developing content for a video game it is a real possibility that there will not enough bulk to build a good game. That is were the thinking comes through. In my case it was even more difficult because it was a short story. They tend to have less world building and more straight to the point in and out kinds of writing. On the contrary Ray Bradbury really jam pack the story with small little details that facilitated the process. He included descriptors that worked in the story. For example: the sign at the beginning and end of the story. It gave insight on what the Time Safari Lab looked like and yet provided a plot device that proved crucial in the long run. However, I really did have my work cut out for me because the length of the story was short and I wanted to make something bigger with it. In the end I think I produced a detailed Game Design Document. I really tried to bring in some elements from other games that I enjoyed in the past while still keeping it original. I really want to play the game that is on that GDD.
Timeline – Communication (Aiden N)
Communication has evolved over many years there is no denying that. It is the only way the human race can talk to each other or entertain each other. Everything in life takes some sort of communication. It would be a horrible life if one decided to live without anybody else. However, that is just stating the obvious! When one thinks of communication one might think of some sort of streaming service or a Face to Face calling app. However, years ago that was not the case. Instead of getting music from Spotify and having all of the best songs on a screen at one time. People used to rely on the radio waves to bring something to lighten their mood or to notify them of any happenings around the world. The radio was one of the most revolutionary inventions of all time. Changing everything from wars to entertainment to business structures to advertising the list goes on forever. There was always something new coming to the radio. Be it ranged communication or just an improved antenna the innovations in those early times never ceased. However, in the modern day the radio does not change very much. As special in the post 2000s era. That is because there are so many new things replacing the radio. Live shows are on Twitch, all the music a person could ever want is on Spotify, there are now better ways to communicate from distance. The radio keeps pushing on however, it is still one of the most used machines in the world. And it probably won’t slow down any time soon.
Media Research Project
What is new media – Aiden Naresh
(New Paragraph)
What is New Media? It can be anything that one uses to connect to something. For example: Jimmy watches Youtube, Timmy listens to Spotify, and Bob reads an eBook. All of those things can be considered different forms of New Media. The “New” in New Media stands for new technology. For example: In 1970 there was no such things as a streaming service to watch the latest Television shows. One had to physically be in one place at one time to watch the latest episode. Now to change the subject a little, what is fragmented media? In a way it plays off new media, in the sense that it is much easier now to access media. There are many examples of fragmented media around us. Everyone is different so naturally everyone will use media differently too. One example could go a little like this: Bill starts his day off listening to the news podcast, then he goes to work on the bus listening to Spotify, he stays on Spotify when he is hard at work because it helps him focus on the task at hand, on his break he watches one of his favorite television shows on Netflix, then Bill gets off work at an early time so there are very little people on the bus. Therefore he can watches some Television. One more subject change before the end, is there a healthier way to browse media? It is a known fact that we are online way more than we used to be. In fact “in 2017, the average American spent more than 12 hours a day with various media” ( J, Donovan, 2018). But I do believe that there are good and bad ways to browse media. Bad examples: Watching inappropriate things online, reading clearly fake articles and then sharing them with other people claiming its real, or even just being a pain in the neck in different comment sections online. Good examples: Trying to learn online, Helping others who need help online, or sharing positive things that brighten peoples moods.
(Old Paragraph)
New media is a form of communication used by everybody. It can be in the form of a social network or an e book but regardless it is media. We call it new media because of the way its used it is now easier than ever to watch the newest TV show because it is on demand. Then after you watch it you can tell your friend how good it was and that they need to watch it. Or you could stay up until midnight waiting for your favorite artists album go public. But we are all different, that is where fragmented media comes in. Some people will be watching the latest sport game and others will be watching a night at the opera. Fragmented media is the way different people bide their time on the web. I start my day with my morning Spotify play list, when I get to school I watch someYoutube, then at the end of the day I go to my room close my door and turn on my gaming console. That is my fragmented media. However some of those habits online could be considered unhealthy. For example I get to school early everyday and if I don’t have anything to do I always spend my time in Youtube. I decided that I should be more productive in the mornings so I decided to work ahead in my classes