Define: The problem with presenting matter is that it is quite difficult to comprehend anything smaller than a grain of sand, and also I don’t have any teammates to rely on to complete certain tasks.
Dream: To get people to engage I could: include interesting visuals, discuss several different topics, make something interactive, use humor, make PowerPoint, I could make a Sway, I’ll have to use most of my free time from this point on to complete this on time and have a satisfying product.
Deliver: I ended up doing a PowerPoint on the last day it was due and clear risks are lack of time and the possibility of being rushed and sloppy. Nevertheless here it is: Matter Matters
Debrief: How did this challenge go? Not as good as I would have hoped, I wish I had used more of my free time to work on this and add media. The main part that I think I did well was gathering information but I still had to skimp a few things. If I had worked harder I could have achieved more than one of my possibilities and dreams.