Aiden Hall
September 17, 2015
English 9
Mr. Barazzuol
Exposition: “I’d like to inquire about a lot” the old man said, the effort of decision evident in his voice. “At my age you just never know…..” “It’s a good investment” Mr. Jerome replied. Through years of experience he knew these rather delicate matters must be handled with a businesslike approach.
Rising Action: “Then why not take it?” Mr. Jerome was an expert in these matters, “After all, it’s for eternity.”
Rising Action: On the other side of the thicket he was surprised to find Mr. Blake stooping over a high, square, white box, intent on fixing something.
Rising Action: “Oh no!” Mr. Jerome’s well-modulated voice rose to a shout: “Look here, I won’t have it. You must stop this at once!”
Climax: “How dare you operate a bee hive in this cemetery?” “It’s on my property. I purchased it, did I not?” “No business such as this is allowed within this sanctuary.”
Falling Action: Mr. Jerome was glad to be back in the safety of his mahogany office again.
Falling Action: “You sell the honey?” Jerome was shocked. “Maybe it was just beginner’s luck” old man Blake replied modestly, “but those twenty-dollar Beginner’s Beekeeping Outfits certainly work wonders.
Denouement: The old man straightened and looked at him proudly. “Mr. Jerome, I have reached an important decision: I should like to buy another lot.”