April 2019 archive

Core Competent Canadians

Brief Introduction

Today, during the extended RAP period, we did this Core Competency activity. We learned about a bunch of Canadians who are core competent. During the activity we had to categorize them based on which Competency resided inside them the most.

Question One: What did you know about the Core Competencies before this activity? What did you learn? 

Before doing this activity, I knew a bit about the Core Competencies and why we studied them. Though, the reason I knew was not the only one. During this activity I learnt quite a bit about how these amazing people had the values in these Core Competencies. Before this activity, I knew that this (Core Competencies) was apart of the curriculum and I never thought to question further than that. Now, I realize that we learn about these things to help us further develop them and learn how they could be useful in the future.

Question Two: How can your knowledge of the Core Competencies help you in your school life? Personal life? 

My new knowledge of the Core Competencies will help me go further in my reflections and get more out of this aspect of the curriculum. I think that going deeper in my reflections could impact the way I do things in the future and help me towards the end of my time here at Riverside. This could also impact my personal life and make me more culturally aware because learning about all these people was very inspiring. Now, I feel like these Core Competency could become more useful.