January 2019 archive

Term 1 Reflection

Brief Introduction

Today in Math we were told to write a short reflection on what we had accomplished and done in our first semester of math. We were told that the post was to contain the skills we have developed throughout the start of this course, a few goals for the upcoming semester and what we have learned.

My Reflection 

In the first semester of Math 9, I’ve learnt a lot about exponents, rational numbers, radicals, polynomials, surface areas and more. During this first semester, I have further developed the way I study and how I prepare for the next class. To do this, I make sure I fully understand the concept by trying to explain it or teach it to someone else.  In the second semester of Math 9, I hope to further my success and understanding in this class by periodically reviewing notes and by finding a study buddy.


Our “Stuff” and the Spheres

A Brief Introduction

This is my final grade nine Science project. This project is about an object I use daily, a basketball. The project talks about the impact the creation of the materials to create the basketball, transportation, production and selling, and disposal of the basketball has on the environment. There is one other thing. Ms. Jackson says that the glass is always half full, so you will also find some solutions and ways to regulate the carbon footprint of the basketball. Click the link below and see the crazy impact basketballs have on the Biosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere and Atmosphere.

My Project

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