Neuron Function

Neurons above (Top To Bottom)

Motor neuron (Ashlyn)

Interneuron (Aden)

Sensory neuron (Alex)


Neurons allow our brains to properly react to immediate dangers.

For this to happen, sensory receptors will first activate at a literal touch of danger, such as something very hot or sharp. The receptors send the message of danger to the dendrite, the dendrite is basically there to receive and pass along the message. The dendrite sends the message through the cell body into the axon, where the message is put on express delivery. The axon charges the message by removing negative ions and adding positive ions increasing the speed and distribution of the message to other neurons through its synapse. (Exact image I used)

Synapse: The synapse is at the end of the axon and it relays the messages to as many other dendrites as possible. There are synaptic vessels filled with neuro transmitters that get held at the receptors for other dendrites to capture and repeat the whole process until it reaches the brain

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