The Nightmare Before Christmas – Adam Merbah – Eng 9 – Block A
A kid named jack was sick of Halloween. He went to a grave and his dog named Zero pooped out. He was said to once be his best friend, meaning he passed away. Zero was upset because jack didn’t really notice him. The next day, jack was walking in the woods an found three large wooden doors. He opened them up and fell into a white, windy flurry of snow. Jack fell into Christmas town. He was so amazed and love seeing something other than Halloween. Jack comes back and brings his souvenirs from Christmas town. He gives these little creatures his souvenirs for Halloween when they came along trick or treating. Santa Was taken to mastermind Jack on Halloween and Jack kidnapped Santa and came up with a plan to be Santa and deliver Christmas presents and spread joy. His plan was fooled because of heavy fog. But, Jack’s dog Zero came along and made a bright light for jack to make his plan a reality. His plan failed because he was spreading scary things for Christmas. He had a good intent but didn’t know he would scare people. Santa was forgiving because Jack wasn’t trying to cause havoc and chaos. Santa told Jack Halloween needed him and Santa went on to spread Christmas joy