June 10

le mercredi 10 juin


  1. Compare your brochure to the rubric and make updates
    • Dû: mercredi le 17
  2. Prepare Part II of the project: the commercial
    • Dû: lundi le 15/vendredi le 19 (during your small group class)
    • Compare your commercial to the rubric to ensure you’ve met all the criteria
  3. myEd (important! do right away!)
    • check that there are no issues with your marks in there
      • email me right away if you notice any issues
    • if you’d like to know your overall course mark, send me an email
    • Email me when you submit these things or I won’t know it’s there
  5. If you want to discuss where you had errors, or any corrections, just let me know!
  6. Duolingo 15 mins/jour
Category: Welcome | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 27

le mercredi 27 mai


  1. This week’s focus is layering together several previous concepts
    1. You will need a good amount of time per assignment (2) to do them properly and well
    2. You can use your notes and look back to previous lessons (PPT/recordings)
    3. Pay attention to details, do the work mindfully and carefully
    4. Email me right away if you’d like to have time with Katia for her to go through the assignments in a more question-by-question way with you and help you with it
  2. Présent/impératif/futur proche
    1. Assignment in Teams will provide you with a Forms link
    2. Read the whole paragraph first
      1. Get a general understanding
      2. See which verb tenses should be used in each sentence
    3. Accents matter! Make sure you use them when needed
    4. Once you know which verb tense to use, conjugate the verb correctly in that tense
      1. Don’t include le pronom in your answer, you only need to write the verb part
  3. Les questions
    1. Answer in full sentences
    2. Check whether you need to answer in le présent/le futur proche
    3. You can use Word Reference for individual words, but no online translators
  4. 15 mins/day Duolingo

Category: Welcome | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 20

le mercredi 20 mai


  1. Lesson video in Teams
  2. Les adjectifs pour décrire un objet
    1. Révision PPT – open this as you’ll need the links within
      1. Create a vocab list for yourself whenever there are words you don’t know
      2. Review and study this information for next week’s group lessons
    2. 3 links to practice (2nd last slide)
    3. Optional: Quizlets for more practice (last slide)
  3. Activité d’écoute
    1. Distributed in Assignments on Teams; audio clip is within the assignment but also in Files under Activités d’écoute, or you can listen to it within the video
    2. You can listen to the audio clip as many times as you need
  4. Activité de lecture et compréhension
    1. Distributed in Assignments on Teams
    2. No online translators allowed; however, you can use WordReference to look up individual words, if needed
    3. Answers do not need to be in full sentences, but must be in French and found within the text
  5. Rappels
    1. Duolingo 15 mins/day
    2. Complete overdue work
    3. 2 Assignments are due before next Wednesday’s class
    4. Adjectives review and prep is due for your group class next week
Category: Welcome | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 13

le mercredi 13 mai


  1. QUIZ: aller (only open 10h30-11h00)!!!
    1. No cheating! Please be honest when you complete this 🙂
  2. Log in to myEd to check your standing
    1. If you have forgotten your password, or your account has been locked, please contact Mr. Brown jbrown@sd43.bc.ca
    2. The mark you will see is only for Q4 and not your overall course grade… ie. what we’ve done after Spring Break
    3. Codes:
      1. Ungraded = this is a blank space on my side, so you handed it in but I haven’t entered a mark yet
      2. mi = missing (calculates as a 0, you need to submit it right away)
      3. re = redo (the feedback on your assignment indicates you need to redo some/all of it then re-submit. Please inform me when you re-submit)
  3. Duolingo is a part of our course!
    1. 150XP =  15 mins/day for 5 days
  4. Video lesson
    1. Le futur proche PPT
    2. Feuille d’exercices (Assignment in Teams)
Category: Welcome | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 11

le lundi 11 mai / le vendredi 15 mai

*Due to the power outage, the 10h30 group has been rescheduled to Tuesday!*


  1. Have your email open and ready to go, bring a scarf, make sure you’ve read the additional instructions in my email.
  2. Les voyageurs et les agents de bord
    1. Looking at des sites touristiques from around the world
    2. Les voyageurs are trying to acquire the 3 billets (bee-yay) from les agents de bord by asking questions and having a simple dialogue
    3. Then we switch roles!
Category: Welcome | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 6

le mercredi 6 mai


  1. Check that you’ve submitted all of your Assignments in Teams
    1. Some of you need to redo/re-submit things. Always check my feedback to know if that’s you.
    2. Montre et Raconte did not need to be submitted as you’re doing it live with me.
    3. Your green cards pronunciation will be accepted/rejected -> you must do it until it’s accepted. Keep checking back for your feedback on this, as some have already been checked, but others haven’t.
  2. Watch the recorded class
    1. Aller: conjugué au présent
      1. QUIZ mercredi prochain de 10h30 à 11h00 (it will only be available in that window, so you need to let me know if you have a schedule conflict AHEAD OF TIME)
      2. Pratiquez: https://www.quia.com/quiz/385674.html
    2. Les Prépositions
      1. Feuille pour prendre des notes
      2. Study & review the lesson information
      3. Feuille d’exercice: Assignments in Teams
    3. Prep for your small group classes with me next week
      1. Vous avez besoin d’un foulard (scarf or something that could be used like one)
      2. Check that you received an email from me by Thursday @3pm


*I am starting to add deadlines into the Calendar on Teams, but a reminder that whatever you do in the Wednesday lesson is always due before the next Wednesday’s class.

Category: Welcome | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 4

le lundi 4 mai


  1. Groupes 1 (10h30) et 2 (11h00)
    1. La date + question du jour
    2. Montre et raconte
    3. Activité brise-glace: lettres
    4. Additions à notre Team
      1. calendrier
      2. edublog
  2. Duolingo pendant 15+ mins

Category: Welcome | LEAVE A COMMENT