May 27

le mercredi 27 mai


  1. This week’s focus is layering together several previous concepts
    1. You will need a good amount of time per assignment (2) to do them properly and well
    2. You can use your notes and look back to previous lessons (PPT/recordings)
    3. Pay attention to details, do the work mindfully and carefully
    4. Email me right away if you’d like to have time with Katia for her to go through the assignments in a more question-by-question way with you and help you with it
  2. Présent/impératif/futur proche
    1. Assignment in Teams will provide you with a Forms link
    2. Read the whole paragraph first
      1. Get a general understanding
      2. See which verb tenses should be used in each sentence
    3. Accents matter! Make sure you use them when needed
    4. Once you know which verb tense to use, conjugate the verb correctly in that tense
      1. Don’t include le pronom in your answer, you only need to write the verb part
  3. Les questions
    1. Answer in full sentences
    2. Check whether you need to answer in le présent/le futur proche
    3. You can use Word Reference for individual words, but no online translators
  4. 15 mins/day Duolingo

Posted May 27, 2020 by achapell in category Welcome

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