Author: aarone2018
Drafting Self Assessment – Passion Project
Red Rising Theme Park & Self Assessment
Red Rising Theme Park
The Red Rising Theme Park is a theme park based on the book Red Rising. It has themed rides and a unique layout, and numerous other attractions.
Map – Aaron
The map design was meant to resemble a theme park while also representing the shape of what the society may have been, the area for the low colours is one of the largest areas on the map representing the large number of low colours. The mid colour area is meant to represent an urban area where the mid colours would live without the glamour of golds and in a more industrial atmosphere. The pink haven is an island separated from the rest of the map indicating Mickey’s own world. The institute is one of trees and wildlife. It was where Darrow fought the other houses and where he spent a lot of time. Next is the gold metropolis and the park area between. The park area is a place to relax in the terraformed mars and where you can buy souvenirs and such. The gold metropolis is the wealthiest place in the theme park. There is utopia everywhere its place on the map represents its place on the pyramid.
Characters- Aliya
The three main character’s you will find at this theme park are ; Cassius, Darrow, and Mustang. They all tend to hang out at the institute for the most part as they’ve gotten used to it, but do visit other locations as well. Darrow can be seen lurking around red slums as he misses his old life and family, Cassius can be seen in the pink haven section at the part sometimes as he’s shown to have interest in women, and Mustang can be located at the gold metropolis as her dad is the arch governor after all. These character’s all have different ways of interacting with guests, as Mustang tends to be the friendliest, whereas some guests must walk on eggshells around Cassius as he has severe mood swings . Darrow is polite but can be caught making sly comment’s which could be taken the wrong way sometimes, but it’s just his sense of humour. We chose these characters as they all play big parts in the development of Darrow, and the progression of the story in general.
Character Visuals
Mustang – Long golden hair usually put into a low ponytail or bun, golden brown eyes, full lips usually in a smile.
This photo is pre institute as she would now have scars.
Darrow – Longer blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, dark eyebrows, and a neutral smile.
This photo is pre institute Darrow as he would now have scars by the end of the book.
Cassius – sly grin, icy blue eyes, curly blonde hair, and white sparkling teeth. Darrow described his beauty as “so handsome he was ugly”.
This photo is pre institute as Cassius would have scars by the end of the book.
Shows – Kabir
There are many different shows that happen in the theme park periodically. These shows include the main three which are the laurel event in the mines when the laurel is handed to one of the many colonies based on how hard they have worked. The event in the institute where there is a duel between Cassius and Darrow using the famous ion swords and the final main event being the raids on different castles from different houses across the institute which visitors can take part in for fun to maybe get extra merch.
Merchandise – Kabir
There are three main different types of merchandise in the theme park. These three main merchandises are the ion swords used in the duel between Cassius and Darrow. The grav boots used to fly around in different parts of the world. And the holo screens which are very cool wristbands that can kind of be related to apple watches of today’s world in the sense that they can hook up to your phone via Bluetooth. These can be bought at different locations throughout the theme park. The grav boots can be bought along with the holo screens at the gold’s metropolis, and the ion swords can be bought at the store in the institute.
Rides – Miguel
Most of my concepts and ideas for rides stem from significant events within the story. Most of the rides are situated within the Institute area as that is where a majority of the story occurs. There are also some attractions made with creative liberty like the Starfleet Command as it is based on comments regarding the Society’s otherwordly forces
ClawDrill – Experience the danger and adrenaline of a Helldiver as you control a massive clawdrill to mine Helium-3
Training Sim – Train in the concentraction machine with Darrow as he adjusts to his Gold body, running across the plains and valleys of Mars
GravBoots – Enjoy a virtual tour of the Gold Metropolis using your very own GravBoots
Wolf Hunt – Join a House Ceres hunting party as they hunt wolves. Includes a store that sells wolf pelt souvenirs
House Ceres Raid – Join Darrow and Mustang as they take down House Ceres
House Battle: Join House Mars as a cavalryman as they wage war
Spiderworm harvest: Join the Reds as they harvest spiderworm silk
Starfleet Command: Command a star fleet as you wage squash a rebellion on the fringes of the Solar System
June’s tribal cuisine: Try dozens of unique survival-themed dishes from the best cook of House Minerva
Mickey’s Bar: Enjoy HighColor meals as Pinks with wings, horns and tails serve your food
Spanish 11 – Self Assessment
Physics 11 – 3D Printed Problem Project
I chose to base my project on this question since I thought it was a realistic question to try and create a physical representation of.
This is my adapted question for my project and the solution.
These photos show the design process and the different solutions I thought of.
This diagram highlights the different pieces necessary for the project to work. The plate on the back of the apparatus is used as a place to put something like a textbook in order to make sure the model stays in place. The string is attached to the weight and is held in place by the screw which attaches it to the model and by design allows the string to be easily interchanged.
This photo shows how the model can be used to find the angle of the string.
Spanish 10 Self Assessment
Week 18 Math 10 – Using Elimination to Solve a System of Equations
In order to solve using elimination two equations need to be combined and then solved. With the answer, you can find the other variable.