Question: How did the inventions and advancements impact the world after WW1
This source displays a variety of technological advancements created to combat the numerous challenges WW1 brought. It shows the different inventions created during WW1 which shaped how wars will be fought in the future, and it displays numerous inventions created to solve widespread problems made worse by the war. Many of the inventions are still used in the modern-day for purposes outside of war.
As I continue to research this question I will need more sources as there has been a substantial amount of inventions that either originated from WW1 or was further developed and made useable during that period. This question is quite broad and may need refining as it touches on a variety of topics.
This is a good start, but you may want to look at some more credible sources.
I think your question could be more focused on one particular advancement. As you mentioned, there are probably a lot of inventions because of WWI. I would focus more one quality of depth of research, rather than a general survey. Quality over quantity.
I’d like to see you revise your question to make it more focused.