This project aimed to recreate the main points of A “Mountain Journey“ in Lego. In the creation of our film we used Lego props and paper. For the scenes we used what we thought was most important to the story. My role in this project was the editing, photography, the upload, and some of the planning.
Thank you for posting the “Stop Motion Project” based on your short story unit. I have some observations regarding this piece on a technological perspective, that I wanted to share with you:
– Editing and overall presentation is well done creating a stop motion project
– The backgrounds are incredible (looks like what I would envision within the physical setting of the story within “A Mountain Journey”)
> Excellent job with snow on the trees and the burnt cabin
> The narration could have been practiced more so, but well written
– Professional in format (produces a high quality project using the medium of stop motion)
– Retells the story utilizing the media fluency (new product)
– Posted and embedded correctly on your Edublog
Thank you for posting!
Mr. Barazzuol
COL Teacher